
The Return of Zack Fair Ch. 29

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The Return of Zack Fair
Chapter 29 With a Shot of a Gun

‘Tifa!’ Cloud fell down on his knees, not capable of doing anything different than shouting her name.
He felt Zack’s hand on his back but pushed him away.
He didn’t want to look up.
He didn’t want to see what was there.
He couldn’t believe she was…gone.
‘Cloud get away!’ Zack shouted.
There was another shot.
Cloud felt himself being thrown away.
When he looked up he saw Zack, laying on the spot he had just been.
Then he saw the blood.
He crawled up to his friend.
He felt like he had just lost half of himself.
Not Zack too…
‘I’m fine Cloud’ Zack mumbled, slowly pushing himself up with one arm, ‘Just make sure he doesn’t get you’
‘Are you hurt?’
‘Just a scratch on my arm, now get up’
Cloud did what Zack said, ignoring Tifa’s body on the ground, he looked up at Reno.
Both with looks of hate in their eyes.
‘Either of us is going to die today’ Reno said.
‘Trust me, it’s going to be you’ Cloud said.
When he would be done there wouldn’t be one piece of Reno left.
‘Never, I’m the one holding the controller here’ Reno grinned, ‘Today you’re going to die, Cloud Strife’ he raised his arm, showing Cloud a small mobile phone.
‘You’ll be dead before you can call up any help’ Cloud shouted.
‘That’s not what I’m planning’ Reno said, ‘This is’
Tifa’s body suddenly disappeared.
At the very same moment twenty infantrymen appeared in a circle around Zack and Cloud.
‘What the…’
‘It’s a training room’ Zack said, covering the wound on his arm with his hand.
‘So Tifa…’
‘That wasn’t Tifa’
Reno laughed, ‘It feels bad doesn’t it? To see your girl die in front of you, with nothing there is you can do to save her’
‘You bastard’ Cloud shouted.
Reno laughed, ‘And now it’s your turn Strife’ he nodded at the infantrymen, ‘Programmed to kill everything in the room except for me, and to make it more interesting…’
Just at the very moment he pushed the button Cissnei came running in.
The entire room changed, high steel walls threw themselves up in front of the exit, there was no way out.
‘Reno you have to stop, Shinra’s serious if he founds out about this you’re done for!’ Cissnei shouted.
‘Shinra will be proud when he finds out I killed them both!’ Reno said.
Suddenly two of the infantrymen turned to Cissnei.
Programmed to kill all.
‘No’ Reno whispered.
‘Reno…’ Cissnei said, slightly uncomfortable.
‘Turn them off Reno’ Zack said calmly, ‘Or you’ll lose her again, but this time because of your own mistake’
‘No, never’ Reno said.
It was unclear what he actually meant.
‘Reno!’ Cissnei shouted.
The infantrymen disappeared.
Reno put away his gun, and pulled out his stick like weapon.
‘What are you planning on with that fishing rod?’ Cloud said.
‘Just you and me Cloud, a fight to death’
‘Reno, you can’t do this! It’s against the company’s rules!’
He ignored her.
‘You don’t dare?’
‘I dare’ Cloud said, taking a step forwards.
‘Cloud, I can’t help you if you get into trouble’ Zack warned him, ‘There are enough ways to get out of here without killing him…’
‘It’s ok Zack’ Cloud said, not looking at his friend, but keeping his eyes fixed on Reno, ‘I don’t want him ever to get a chance to really kill Tifa’
Zack sighed, realizing there was nothing he could do to stop it.
‘No, Reno!’ Cissnei wanted to get to him but Zack stopped her with one arm.
‘Just leave them, there’s nothing we can do now’ he said.
‘But they’ll kill each other!’
‘They’ll kill anyone who tries to interfere as well’
Cissnei sighed, realizing it was up to Cloud and Reno now.
‘Well Strife, ready to die?’ Reno said challenging.
‘No, but I’m not the one who’s dying today!’
They started walking, making small circles around the room, getting closer to each other with each step they took.
Both had their eyes fixed on the other. Not even blinking.
It was about to begin.
A duel to death.
Suddenly Reno pulled out his gun and shot.
It was a matter of seconds, less than seconds.
Still Cloud managed to dodge the shot in that small time.
‘Don’t worry Reno, I’m not dying this easily’ he said.
‘We’ll see’
The walking started again.
Now it was Cloud’s turn to strike.
He jumped forwards, slashing in Reno’s direction.
On the last moment Reno blocked him with his stick and pulled out his gun again.
Cloud was less lucky this time.
The bulled hardly passed him, leaving a big wound behind on his side.
Cloud ignored it.
‘Just enjoy the fight buddy, it’ll be your last’ Reno said, grinning.
Cloud didn’t reply.
They just stood there, facing each other.
None of them said a single word.
They waited, for the other to strike.
At the very same moment they both did.
They slammed their weapons against each other, turning, attacking, defending, almost all at the same time.
The sound of metal against metal filled the room.
Neither Reno nor Cloud ever stopped moving.
It looked like a dance, played at least twice as fast.
Suddenly they both bumped away from each other.
Breathing heavily.
Even from a distance Zack could suddenly notice Reno’s left hand wasn’t empty anymore. He was holding the phone again.
‘Cloud watch-’
Before Zack could even finish his sentence a huge metal bar flew out of the ground and hit Cloud full in his stomach.
Cloud fell on his back rolling over ending up sitting on his knees, his arms folded over the spot where the thing had hit him.
Reno walked towards Cloud and stopped right in front of him, raising his gun, placing it on Cloud’s forehead.
‘Is there anything I’ll have to tell your girl on your account, before I send her after you’
The simple comment awakened all strength Cloud still had.
Before Reno could only realize what happened Cloud had kicked his feet away from underneath him.
Reno fell over and dropped his gun.
Cloud got on his feet again, sword in his hand.
‘It’s over Reno’ he said coldly.
Reno moved his hand back, trying to reach his gun or stick, but they were both too far away.
Cloud was right.
It was over.
‘Kill me’ Reno said.
Cloud raised an eyebrow.
‘If I can’t even fight to revenge the one I love I shouldn’t live’
Cloud didn’t answer.
There was a strange sound that seemed to come from outside the room.
They all looked up, at the wall.
Zack took a step to the side, so he ended up in front of Cissnei.
The noise became louder, and louder.
And suddenly with a loud bang the whole wall exploded.
The visions the training room had conjured up all disappeared.
Infantrymen came running in, followed by Rufus Shinra himself.
Cloud jumped back to Zack and Cissnei, his sword up, ready for anything.
Reno quickly turned around, looking at Shinra.
‘Reno’ Shinra said coldly.
‘Sir I-’
‘I don’t want to hear your excuses Reno. You ignored my orders, not for the first time, with that you broke the company’s rules and brought our reputation in danger. You have shown your own interests are laid higher than the company’s for you. We can not tolerate any more deserters. Reno, you’re fired’
With that last sentence Shinra raised his gun.
The sound of the shot echoed through the entire room.
Reno was already dead before he could fall on his back again.
In the dust of the broken wall.
>first read chapter<

so yes Tifa is still alive ^-^ it was just something Reno made up in the training room so he could get Cloud there to get his revenge because Cloud almost killed Cissnei before.
and f*ck shinra -.-
at first i wanted Cloud to kill Reno...but i didn't think he would actually do i left the job for Shinra.
anyway, no Reno is NOT coming back, this was the 'death' i referred to a few chapters ago. i've had enough of the last moment saving thingies...

chapter 28: [link]
chapter 30: [link]
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DaniFenton12's avatar
No! Not Reno! I love him more than Cloud or anyone else in the games.
I prefer Reno/Yuffie over Reno/Cissnei honestly. But I didn't create the story, so I have no say in that. You still killed Reno:(